Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Hate Discount Tire

Fuck um. Seriously...I've been sitting in this discount tire for two hours right now...getting my tires rotated. Does it really take that long? And what's worse is they aren't even working on my car yet, I'm looking right at it...parked in the parking still unrotated. But anyways I figured I'd take this time to update yall on some stuff. Fuck um though, seriously...2 hours...fuck um. Ok..

-The music video should be done, September ish? Give or take a month...its a long process and we have plenty of shooting to go.

-A promotional video done by local music promoter Cameron Cox will be done by this Sunday so I'll be posting that up as soon as I have it. I'm really excited about covers a lot of the marketing campaign stuff and also includes Houston!

-Ringtones are available although I haven't really publicized that yet. I was really surprised when one of my friends randomly had a "Let's Go" ringtone...he was gonna surprise me but his girlfriend ruined that.. It was good though haha. So you can get those, the link is one of the stamp-links on my normal site (

-First show of next school year is official and everyone in Nashville will be happy to know that it is at the notorious Elberta house on August 30th.

-Other shows are pending and I'll have um up when they are official...

-I'm already knee deep in writing the next CD and I must say I like how its coming...already got a song recorded for it (rough draft). 

All that aside, I'm about to have a great two weeks. 

This weekend I'm going Ghost Town hunting with one of my brothers. We have 6 cities mapped out to find and explore (and has a bank with a safe no one has opened in something like 75 years so wish me luck). One of them is supposedly blocked off by a bunch of fallen trees from Hurricane Rita a few years back but we are ready to climb though...Another one of the cities has a legitimate horror-style mystery behind it. That town is Emporia, Texas (not on maps cause it is a ghost town of course). In 1906 it was a thriving east Texas saw-mill town (basically a lumber town full of saw mill workers) until the mill caught fire and burnt to the ground. 30 people were trapped inside and burnt alive. The bodies were burnt beyond recognition and because of poor race relations in the South during the early 1900s (putting it lightly), the workers (who were majority black) were buried in one large mass grave in town and the town was then abandoned by all. I have found it on a map and talked with some local people who have directed me to what remains - mostly building foundations and a graveyard. We are going to explore their very thoroughly.

And next week I leave to Miami to go on a cruise. Thank god...a chance to relax. We'll be stopping in St. Thomas, Turks and Cacaos, San Juan Puerto Rico, and a couple other places. I'm ready to get away before August hits and I start gearing up for school and shows again.

Alright, well I have some Discount Tire employees to go bitch at so I'll post up soon - probably on Sunday when the video is supposed to be done.

Be good.
