1.) Tonight I just got pulled over with no license and no insurance in a car that wasn't mine driving the wrong way down a one way street in a construction zone. Damnit. Which leads into...
2.) I went to Mardi Gras in New Orleans and lost my license, stayed in 2 king suites at Harrah's Casino one night for free, met plenty of women haha, partied, and made some great connections. Not to mention...I had so much have no idea unless you were there. To emerge from a bar at 7:30 Sunday morning and realizing that it is suddenly light again is something else...and then meeting up with a bunch of strangers and getting breakfast with them at Cafe Dumonde...damn.
3.) I went on two more adventures, one to Virginia and one to Atlanta (to see Andrew Bird perform). Both were amazing haha. Ask about them if you want to know more.
1.) I never sent in the mixtape to can I say? I got a little lazy. I hope to do it at some point soon. It feels like it should be done.
2.) I should, within the next week or so, send off copies of Unorthodox to something like 50 different radio stations along with singles discs for them to play. I will list the cities once I've sent them off and tell you all which stations to call and request at.
3.) MOST IMPORTANT - I am well underway with one of the three CDs I'm working on currently. It has become my main focus and should be done in say....2 to 3 months but I don't really think I'll release it until August just so I can organize and perfect it all. I am playing the majority of the music in it as well...I decided to utilize my abilities on instruments to make a unique CD that will probably be more deserving of the title unorthodox than "Unorthodox" really does. It really is something new and I'm quite excited to get it done and out to the public.
Look for more updates soon. I hope to get into a pretty continuous cycle of updating this.
Until then,
Be good.
Mr. Houston