Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Things Have Been Put Into Perspective

Tonight I had the privilege of meeting a friend/rapper/supporter (in that order) that I have been conversing with online for something like 5 years. We traded verses back and forth on hip hop forums over the years developing our own styles and voices in our genre while developing a friendship. We wound up chilling at Ruchi's (best value Mexican restaurant around) and staying there for over three hours talking. All of it put things back in frame mentally for me and it could not have come at a better time...really it couldn't have.

I am about to go back to college for my sophomore year and I'm quite ready for it. I'm also ready to jump headfirst back into music...but now I feel different about it in some ways. I think over the last year and a half I have let my love get away from me....actually I have generally let love get away from me. Music became more of a fact just about everything in my life became a business. Even my social life became a task of meeting as many people as I could so I could network. Because of this it began to feel like a job to me and became less enjoyable. Even when I didn't want to socialize I would because I thought that I 'should' for the sake of maintaining many different relationships that may prove important career-wise. Music became less about music, friendship became less about friends, love became less about love. I have now stepped back and thank God for it.

I am tired of dealing with money issues being involved with music, it makes me dislike the people I work with and that is never good. I'm also tired of mixing friendships up with business, especially when I treat it so seriously. I am getting away from that. I want to make a mixtape out of my love for the music and do it purely for the enjoyment. I want to put it out for free just to show everyone my love, I don't wanna sell it; I want to get back to hanging out with friends when I want, how I want, cause I really want to; And I want to get back to love for the sake of love and no other reason...loving friends, loving romantically, loving music, loving family, loving life generally.

You only get to do this whole "life" thing once and I am restarting myself metaphorically speaking. I am going to love more and work less...finally. I'm going to breathe easy and have fun. I'm ready for the next school year and what is coming with it. I am ready to party hardest, love the most, write intelligently and with purpose, and not be afraid to say yes...or no. I want to go into this school year valuing honesty to myself and to you - my friends, family, and fans.

It's time. This is gonna be a good year.

Fuck ya.

And yes, that fuck ya is necessary.

Be good.


1 comment:

sunburntorange said...

i'm proud, sir!
i can't wait to see you!